Celebrate Every Occasion with Festive Images, Quotes and Greetings Messages and share with your friends and loved ones.
GoodLightscraps.com is a unique online place for latest online greetings and ecards, free images, picture messages, photo cards, scraps and quotes with graphics for social networking websites
like Instagram, Hi5, tagged, Facebook, personal blogs, etc. Each page of Goodlightscraps is filled with the best collection of greeting cards, images for birthday, friendship, love for your family, friends, loved ones for different events, occasions, relationship and feelings.
Popular ecards, onilne greetings, status and images with beautiful captions
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Send images and pictures with quotes as animated ecards, greetings, glitter graphics
Tired of sending text messages and scraps in orkut, myspace, facebook, etc. send orkut scraps for our beautiful and best collection of images and graphics. You'll get variety of orkut scraps and glitters here, like birthday scraps to send to your friends and loved one to wish happy birthday, love scraps, i love you scraps or flirt scraps to express your heart to your heartiest person,
good morning greetings,
good night scraps to wish the special times of day to your firnds, we have also orkut scraps for friends, orkut scraps for romantic partners, scraps and images for different seasons and festivals and even
funny orkut scraps and images for orkut which could make your loved one smile. You can also use those images and scraps in blogs, personal websites and anyother social networking sites.
Recent Updates - Latest Scraps: Eid-ul-fitr
The festival of happincess, the EID ul-fitr is at door step, lets welcome it to our home with joy and fun.
Images and Cards about Eid with beautiful pictures. I tried to bring the most unique collection of Eid Mubarak Wishes which you can send to your friends, relatives and loved ones.